[SPOILERS] Condemned

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Inscrit : 21 sept. 2004, 20:34
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Re: [SPOILERS] Condemned

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CITATION (guillaume1998,Mardi 19 Avril 2005 à 18:55)
CITATION Colonel Sheppard and his team visit the planet Olesia, whose people appear to live in peace from the Wraith -- and who possess a much higher level of technology than the other civilizations they have thus far encountered. The Olesians are led by the Magistrate, a confident politician with a self-serving agenda.

Olesia's Stargate is located on an island that has been used as a penal colony for hundreds of years. The Magistrate claims that the Wraith have always been satisfied with the prisoners they cull there when they come through the gate, and have no need to venture further. This, of course, makes it extremely important to keep the island populated with so-called "criminals."

When the Puddle Jumper crashes on the island, Sheppard, McKay, and the others become hostages to the prisoners. Torrell, a charismatic serial killer, threatens to kill the team members one-by-one if Dr. McKay does not repair the ship so that he can make his escape -- something McKay insists is impossible.

Meanwhile, we learn that the Magistrate has made an unholy alliance: for generations a Wraith has used the penal colony to sustain himself rather than going into hibernation. Now that so many Wraith hives are awaking and there is not enough food in the galaxy for them all, he intends to rise to power among the Wraith by meeting their needs himself -- with help from Olesia.
Source : GateWorld
Ca vous rappelle rien cette histoire ? Un épisode de SG-1 ?
raoul le grand
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Re: [SPOILERS] Condemned

Message non lu par raoul le grand »

honnetement, je n'arrive pas à me rappeler d'un épisode de SG1 qui ressemble à celui là?! pourrait tu eclairer ma lanterne, stp?
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Messages : 580
Inscrit : 21 sept. 2004, 20:34
Pays : Etats-Unis
Lieu : Atlanta

Re: [SPOILERS] Condemned

Message non lu par nikolai »

Je pense à "perpétuité" (2*03) : tout n'est pas commun, mais il y a des similitudes. J'y ai pensé de suite.
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I am legend of SGF
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Inscrit : 30 sept. 2004, 19:19
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Re: [SPOILERS] Condemned

Message non lu par Guiguioh »

Franchement je vois pas la ressemblance là. :huh:

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