
Catégorie :
Le contenu de cette fiche est canon.
Stargate SG-1
Titre original
Karen Miller
Lindsay Allen
Date de sortie
15 Septembre 2006 (Papier) / 14 Octobre 2011 (Ebook)
Nombre de pages
Langue d'origine
Numéro de série

Résumé de l'éditeur

Le prix de l'échec...

Tout ce que SG-1 voulait, c'était la technologie pour sauver la Terre des Goa'ulds, mais la mission sur Euronda a été un terrible échec. Maintenant, les chiens de Washington réclament le sang de Jack O'Neill, et le sénateur Robert Kinsey est en tête de la meute.

Lorsque Jacob Carter demande au général Hammond la participation de SG-1 à une mission pour les Tok'ras, cela semble être la réponse au dilemme d'O'Neill. Les Tok'ras, très secrets, sont à court d'hôtes, et Jacob pense avoir trouvé la solution - mais cela signifie qu'O'Neill et son équipe doivent risquer leur vie en infiltrant une ferme d'esclaves Goa'uld pour recruter des humains prêts à rejoindre les Tok'ras.

C'est une proposition risquée, d'autant plus que les retombées d'Euronda ont mis les liens de l'équipe à rude épreuve. S'ils ne trouvent pas le moyen de mettre leurs différends derrière eux, ils risquent de ne pas rentrer chez eux vivants...

The price of failure...

All SG-1 wanted was technology to save Earth from the Goa'uld, but the mission to Euronda was a terrible failure. Now the dogs of Washington are baying for Jack O'Neill's blood-and Senator Robert Kinsey is leading the pack.

When Jacob Carter asks General Hammond for SG-1's participation in a mission for the Tok'ra, it seems like the answer to O'Neill's dilemma. The secretive Tok'ra are running out of hosts, and Jacob believes he's found the answer -but it means O'Neill and his team must risk their lives infiltrating a Goa'uld slave breeding farm to recruit humans willing to join the Tok'ra.

It's a risky proposition, especially since the fallout from Euronda has strained the team's bonds almost to breaking. If they can't find a way to put their differences behind them, they might not make it home alive...

Extrait de l'Editeur

Extrait du chapitre 18

There were no amenities in the stone room they were left in by Va'ton and his Jaffa subordinates. No benches. No blankets. No pillows. Typical Goa'uld hospitality. There was, however, a big messy dried bloodstain on the prison cell floor.

Daniel wasn't going to think about that.

He took off his shirt, bundled it up, and put it beneath Jack's lolling head. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. God, he was hungry. Light-headed. More than a little shaky. The cut on his hand had long since stopped dribbling but it still hurt. He was reasonably sure it was infected. Which was nothing compared to the trouble they were in. Standard O'Neill reply: Don't worry, Daniel. We've been in worse.

Okay. Maybe. Once. Sitting in a corridor covered in blood, having just been shot to bits by a Jaffa staff weapon, on a mother ship rigged to the rafters with C4, knowing his wound would probably kill him first, knowing Jack and Sam and Teal'c were going to die soon, too.

He'd survived that one. So had they. But even cats only got nine lives and he wasn't a cat. How many times could he tap-dance on the brink of death before that final, fatal plunge?

Please God. Let us be rescued soon.

Jack liked to say, There is always, always a Plan B.

"Not this time," he told his friend. "This time, Jack, it's a miracle... or nothing."


L'histoire de ce roman se déroule durant la saison 4 de Stargate SG-1, suite aux événéments de l'épisode L'autre côté et avant ceux de l'épisode Diviser pour conquérir.  

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