City Of The Gods

Catégorie :
Le contenu de cette fiche est canon.
City Of The Gods
Stargate SG-1
Titre original
City of the Gods
Sonny Whitelaw
Lindsay Allen
Date de sortie
18 Avril 2005 (Papier) / 3 Octobre 2011 (Ebook)
Nombre de pages
Langue d'origine
Numéro de série

Résumé de l'éditeur

L'ennemi de mon ennemi...

La découverte d'un crâne de cristal sous la pyramide du soleil au Mexique déclenche une chaîne d'événements cataclysmiques qui abandonne SG-1 sur un monde en voie de disparition.

Xalótcan est une société brutale, imprégnée de mort et de sacrifice, où les dieux sanguinaires des Aztèques exigent un tribut d'une population craintive et superstitieuse. Mais c'est le moindre des problèmes du colonel Jack O'Neill. Alors que Xalótcan est au bord de la catastrophe, le Dr Daniel Jackson insiste pour que O'Neill accomplisse une ancienne prophétie et mène son peuple au salut.

Mais avec le monde qui se déchire, qui peut survivre ? Alors que la peur et le désespoir plongent Xalótcan dans le chaos, SG-1 se retrouve aux premières loges de la fin du monde...

Section spéciale : Des extraits du journal de mission du Dr Daniel Jackson !

My enemy's enemy...

When a Crystal Skull is discovered beneath the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, it ignites a cataclysmic chain of events that maroons SG-1 on a dying world.

Xalótcan is a brutal society, steeped in death and sacrifice, where the bloody gods of the Aztecs demand tribute from a fearful and superstitious population. But that's the least of Colonel Jack O'Neill's problems. With Xalótcan on the brink of catastrophe, Dr Daniel Jackson insists that O'Neill must fulfill an ancient prophesy and lead its people to salvation.

But with the world tearing itself apart, can anyone survive? As fear and despair plunge Xalótcan into chaos, SG-1 find themselves with ringside seats at the end of the world...

Special section: Excerpts from Dr Daniel Jackson's mission journal!

Extrait de l'éditeur

Extrait du chapitre 12

"Jack! What are you doing, why aren't you..." Daniel stopped in his tracks and stared at him. His low voice was filled with apprehension. "Why is it so hot up here?"

Dabruzzi ran past them without pausing. Jack coughed, then coughed again, clinging to the pain searing his throat, an anchor against a different pain, one he could never articulate.

Something wriggled inside his cape. He glanced down at the miniature dog, Spiffy. They hadn't been able to find the tunnel to the surface until it had jumped out of the cape and scampered up behind a rock fall. The animal had saved them, but it might have only delayed the inevitable. Jack reached in, unconsciously reassuring it with a gentle pat, feeling its warm life against his hand. "Our friendly neighborhood volcano decided to erupt all over the Stargate." He swallowed the grit in his mouth and stood.

Daniel's eyes opened wide in disbelief. "What about Sam and the other kids?"

"They're dead." Jack's voice was as cracked and brittle as the cinders that covered the ground. "They're all dead."


L'histoire de ce roman prend place au sein de la saison 5 de Stargate SG-1. 

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