The Barque of Heaven

Catégorie :
The Barque of Heaven
Stargate SG-1
Titre original
The Barque of Heaven
Suzanne Wood
Lindsay Allen
Date de sortie
25 Janvier 2008 (Papier) / 28 Octobre 2011 (Ebook)
Nombre de pages
Langue d'origine
Numéro de série

Résumé de l'éditeur

A travers le monde souterrain...

Il y a des millénaires, à l'apogée de son pouvoir, le Grand maître Râ a décrété que tout Goa'uld souhaitant le servir devait subir une grande épreuve. La victoire était synonyme de pouvoir et de prestige, la défaite entraînait le bannissement et la mort.

Lors d'une expédition de routine sur un monde Goa'uld abandonné, SG-1 déclenche par inadvertance l'ancienne épreuve de Râ - et une fois commencée, l'épreuve ne peut être arrêtée. S'appuyant sur l'immense richesse des connaissances du Dr Daniel Jackson, le colonel O'Neill doit mener son équipe de planète en planète, en accomplissant chaque tâche dans le temps imparti. Il n'y a pas de repos, pas de répit. S'arrêter signifie être piégé à jamais dans les confins de la galaxie, et échouer signifie la mort.

La victoire est leur seule option dans ce terrible test d'endurance - une épreuve qui mettra à l'épreuve leur volonté, leur ingéniosité, et surtout leurs liens d'amitié.

Through the underworld...

Millennia ago, at the height of his power, the System Lord Ra decreed that any Goa'uld wishing to serve him must endure a great trial. Victory meant power and prestige, defeat brought banishment and death.

On a routine expedition to an abandoned Goa'uld world, SG-1 inadvertently initiate Ra's ancient trial - and once begun, the trial cannot be halted. Relying on Dr. Daniel Jackson's vast wealth of knowledge, Colonel O'Neill must lead his team from planet to planet, completing each task in the allotted time. There is no rest, no respite. To stop means being trapped forever in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, and to fail means death.

Victory is their only option in this terrible test of endurance - an ordeal that will try their will, their ingenuity, and above all their bonds of friendship.

Extrait de l'éditeur

Extrait du chapitre 12

Jack looked around, through the little clouds of his breath condensing in the still, frigid air. Maybe this niche in the tunnel walls would offer a few moments' respite. No movement showed in the passage they had just raced through. Ahead, another tunnel angled away into the darkness, offering at least somewhere else to run.

His team gathered near him, faces turned toward the tunnels and watchful for any hint of pursuit. Carter balanced on her left leg as she scanned the darkness, denying the ache in her right ankle, twisted on the treacherously slick rock. Teal'c faced the opposite direction, alert as ever, yet his utter weariness could be seen in his slumped shoulders and slowing movements, his skin an unhealthy grayish hue.

Daniel was leaning against the dank wall, the façade of stubbornness on his face slipping as surely as his body was sliding down the uneven rocks, his lungs now emitting little more than a distressed wheeze. His left fist was still firmly planted on the pain below his ribs.

Jack shifted, vainly trying to ease the muscles knotted along his spine and the stabbing pain that had been his constant companion for what seemed like his entire life.

How the hell did we end up like this?

Movement flickered in the corner of his eye - Carter's hand coming up and signaling they were about to be discovered.

He sucked in a gasp of cold air, reached over and grabbed a fistful of Daniel's shirt, helping his teammate as they staggered off in Teal'c's wake - plunging on into the unknown.

Within seconds SG-1 had vanished into the darkness, the eternal rock showing no trace of their passing.


L'histoire de ce roman prend place durant la saison 3 de Stargate SG-1 entre les épisodes Le chasseur de primes et Le jour sans fin.  

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